
List of Publications 1966 - 2015

Pinchas Noy, M.D

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  1. Noy, P. (1966). Motives for suicide (Hebrew). Megamoth,10:336-353.
  2. Noy, P. (1961). Relationship between anxiety reaction and physical illness (Hebrew).Harefuah, 59:376-381.
  3. Noy, P. (1963). Emotional problems in old age (Hebrew) Harefuah, 65:51-54.
  4. Noy, P. & Shanan, J. (l964). A method for the assessment of personality changes in group psychotherapy. Int. J. Group Psychother., 14:139-157.
  5. Kaplan De-Nour, A.; Noy, P. & Shanan, J. (1965 A). Perception of ideal and actual self in an Israeli population. Israel Ann. Psychiat., 3:117-130.
  6. Moses, R.; Noy, P.; Kaplan De-Nour, A. & Wolstein, S. (1965). An analysis of the factors influencing psychiatric consultations in a general hospital (Hebrew) Harefuah, 68, 8-20.
  7. Noy, P. (1965). The effect of psychotropic drugs and the patient’s response (A lecture presented to the Medical Ass’n in Jerusalem). (Hebrew) Harefuah, 69:218 (abstr.).
  8. Noy, P. (1966). Psychoanalytic views of art (Hebrew). Megamoth, 14:347-358.
  9. Noy, P. (1966). On the development of artistic talent.Israel Ann. Psychiat. 4:211-218.
  10. Noy, P.; Kaplan De-Nour, A. & Moses, R. (1966). Discrepancy between  expectation and service in psychiatric consultation. Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 4:651-657.
  11. Noy, P.; Wollstein, S. & Kaplan De-Nour, A. (1966).Clinical observations on the psychogenesis of impotence. Brit. J. Med. Psychol. 39:43-53.
    1. Digest Neur. & Psychiat., May 1966, p. 204.
    2. Urology Digest, Jan. 1967, p. 32-33.
  12. Noy, P. (l966). The psychodynamic meaning of music; Part I: Introduction and chronological review. J. Music Ther., 3:126-134.
  13. Noy, P. (1967). The psychodynamic meaning of music; Part II: The language of music. .Music Ther., 4:7-23.
  14. Noy, P. (l967). The psychodynamic meaning of music; Part III: The structure of music. J. Music Ther., 4:45-51.
  15. Noy, P. (1967). The psychodynamic meaning of music; Part IV:The function of music. J. Music Ther., 4:81-94.
  16. Noy, P. (1967). The psychodynamic meaning of music; Part V:The personality of the musician.. J . Music Ther., 4:117-125.
  17. Noy, P. (1967). Resistance to change in group psychotherapy. Int. J. Group Psychother. 17:371-377.
  18. Edelstein, E. & Noy, P. (l967). Psychiatric drug treatment: Personality factors and dynamic aspects. Pychosomatics, 8:222-226.
  19. Noy, P. (1968). A psychoanalytic theory of music (Hebrew). Tatzlil: A Forum for Music and Bibliography, 8:27-30.
  20. Noy, P. (l968). The development of musical ability. Psychoanal. Study Child, 23:332-347.
    Also in Psychoanalytic Explorations in Music, eds. S. Feder; R.L. Karmel & G.Pollock. New York: International Universities Press, 1990. pp. 63-77.
  21. Kaplan De-Nour, A. & Noy, P. (l968). Emotional difficulties of students at the Hebrew University. Mental Hygiene, 52:360-366.
  22. Lerner, J. & Noy, P. (1968). Somatic complaints in psychiatric disorders: Social and cultural factors. Int. J. Social Psychiat., 14:145-150.
  23. Noy, P. (1968/69). A theory about art and aesthetic experience. Psychoanal. Review. 55:625-645
  24. Noy, P. (1969) A revision of the psychoanalytic theory of Primary process.The International J. of Psychoanalysis. 50: 155-178.
  25. Lerner, J. & Noy, (1969). An analysis of the interrelations of some personal and clinical variables of somatizing psychiatric patients in Israel.    Brit. J. Social Psychiatry 3:34-40.
  26. Noy, P. (1970). The “Youth protest” and “The age of creativity”.J. Creative Behav., 4:223-233.
  27. Noy, P. (1972). About art and artistic talent. ( Psychoanalytic Congress in Vienna). Inter. J. Psycho- Anal., 53:243-249.
  28. Edelstein, E. & Noy, P. (l972). Open groups within a changing psychiatric ward in Israel. Int. J. Group Psychother., 22:379-383.
  29. Noy, P. (1973). Cultural patterns of aggression. In: Psychological Bases of War, eds. H. Z. Winnik: R. Moses & M. Ostow. New York: Quadrangle/The New York Times Book Co., pp. 111-124.
  30. Noy, P. (1973). Symbolism and mental representation (this study was awarded the first Gustav Bychowski Prize for 1974). Annual Psychoanal., 1:125-158.
  31. Noy, P. (1975). New views on the psychotherapy of compensation neurosis: A clinical study. In: New Dimensions in Psychiatry, eds. S. Arieti & G. Chrzanowski. New York: John Wiley, pp. 161-168.
  32. Noy, P. & Edelstein, E. (l976). Psychiatric ward with it’s specific attitudes as a social system within the community of a general hospital. Mental Health & Society, 16.
  33. Noy, P. (l977). Four Encyclopaedia articles:
    1. Sex: Psychology and psychopatholog
    2. Psychoanalysis.
    3. Psychotherapy.
    4. Emotion.
      The Hebrew Encyclopaedia. האנציקלופדיה העברית 4 ערכים.
  34. Noy, P. (1977). Metapsychology as a multimodel system (based on a paper presented to the Chicago Psychoanalytic Society, October 1976). Int. Rew. Psycho- Anal., 4:1-12.
  35. Noy, P. (1978). Insight and creativity J . Amer. Psychoanal. Ass’n, 26:717-748.
  36. Noy, P. (1979a). The psychoanalytic theory of cognitive development. Psychoanal. Study Child, 34:169-216. review by R. Henny in Acta Paedopsychiatrica, 49:89-50, 1979 (French).
  37. Noy, P. (1979b). Form creation in art: An ego-psychological approach to creativity. Psychoanal. Quart. 47:229-256.
    Also in Psychoanalytic Explorations in Music, eds. S. Feder; R. L. Karmel & G. H. Pollock. New York: International Universities Press, 1990. pp. 209-231.
    Translated in Kreativitaet, Kunst und Psychoanalyse, Heute (German), ed. H. Kraft. Koln: Dumont, pp. 180-205, 1984.
  38. Noy, P. (1979). Book review: Speech and reason, by W. Abse. Psychoanal. Quart. 47.
  39. Noy, P. (1981). Teoria psicoanalitica del proceso primario (a presentation to the 21th Congress of the Columbian Psychiatric Ass’n, Bogota l981). Bibliot. Soc. Col. de Psicoanal. 1981 (Spanish).
  40. Noy, P. (1982). A revision of the psychoanalytic theory of affect (based on a Freud Memorial Lecture presented at the University College, London, 1980). Annual Psychoanal. 10:139-186.
  41. Noy, P. (1984). The three components of empathy: Normal and pathological development. In: Empathy, eds. J. Lichtenberg; M. Bornstein & D. Silver. The Analytic Press, Vol. I. pp. 167 199.
  42. Noy, P. (1984). Originality and creativity. Annual Psychoanal. 12:421-448.
  43. Noy, P. (1986). A conversation about anthropomorphism. Int. Rew. Psycho- Anal., 13:143-161.
  44. Noy, P. (1989a). Why do we enjoy art? Israel J. Psychiat. 26:124-137. (Hebrew)
  45. Noy, P. (1989b). The psychological function of art. A lecture presented at the fifth Conference of the Sigmund Freud Center on “Psychoanalysis and the Visual Arts”, Jerusalem, May, 1989.
  46. Noy, P. (1991). The psychology of anxiety (Hebrew). Politika, Jan. 1991:10-13.
  47. Noy, P. (1991). The secret of the artist (The psychology of creativity) (Hebrew). Mishkafaim, 13:25-28.
  48. Noy, P. (1993). How music convey emotion. In: Psychoanalytic Explorations in Music: Second Series, eds. S. Feder; R.L. Karmel & G.H. Pollock. Madison: International Universities Press, pp.125-149.
  49. Noy, P. (1991). Is art indispensable? (The psychological function of art). A plenary lecture presented in the 23th Congress of the Israel Psychological Association Jerusalem, Oct. 1991.
  50. Noy, P. & Noy-Sharav Dorit (1993). Narcissism and the couple (Hebrew). In: Narcissism in the Individual, Couple, Group and Organization, eds. H. Deutsch; S. Schneider. Summit Institute, Jerusalem. pp.111-116.
  51. Noy, P. (1995). Discussion (Hebrew). in Self Psychology: Theory and Clinical Presentations. eds. S. Schneider; H. Deutsch. Summit Institute, Jerusalem. pp.49-55.
  52. Noy, P. (1995). What is “The Self” of “Self Psychology”? Historical survey. Sihot – Dialogue, Vol 9, 2:93-99. (Hebrew)מהו העצמי של “פסיכולוגית העצמי”?  סקירה היסטורית
  53. Noy, P. (1995). What is “The Self” of “Self-Psychology”? The presentation of the theory הצגת התיאוריה Sihot – Dialogue, Vol 9, 3:180-190. (Hebrew)
  54. A. Noy, P. (1996) The Self-centered Personality. האישיות ממוקדת העצמי Sihot – Dialogue, Vol. 11:5-18. (Hebrew)
    B. Noy, P. (1997). The Normal Processes for the Maintenance of the Self – The Dream. I Sihot – Dialogue, Vol. 12:38-43; (Hebrew) החלום – 1
  55. Noy, P. (1998). The Normal Processes for the Maintenance of the Self – The Dream II Sihot – Dialogue, Vol. 12:109-116. (Hebrew) החלום – 2
  56. Noy, P.(1998). The Normal Processes for the Maintenance of the Self – Art. Sihot – Dialogue, Vol. 12:202-211. (Hebrew) האמנות
  57. Noy, P. (1999). The Normal Processes for the Maintenance of the Self – The Relation between the Self and the Group. היחסים בין העצמי והקבוצה Sihot – Dialogue Vol. 14:6-12. (Hebrew)
  58. Noy, P. (1999). Psychoanalysis of Art and Creativity. (Hebrew) Israel: Modan Publishing House. 384 pp.הפסיכואנליזה של האמנות והיצירתיות
  59. Noy, P. (2003). Psychoanalysis, art and creativity. (Hebrew) In: Psychoanalysis: Theory and Practice. ed. J. Hatav. Tel Aviv, Diunon Press.
  60. A. Noy, P. (2006). Psychoanalysis after Freud (Hebrew). Israel: Modan Publishing House. 456 pp. הפסיכואנליזה אחרי פרויד
    B. Cohen’s Critic
  61. Noy, P. (2009)  Freud and Psychoanalysis (Hebrew). פרויד והפסיכואנליזה Israel: Modan Publishing House 370 pp.
  62. Noy, P. & Noy-sharav, D. 2013. Art and Emotion. Inter. J. Applied Studies 10(2):100-107. Published online Wiley online . DOI:10.1002/aps.1352
  63. A. Noy, P. (2010)  My way to psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 30:1-13 DOI:10.1080/07351690903203261     ISSN:0735-1690 print/1040-9133 online.
    B.See also Hebrew (translated by Dorit Noy-Sharav)– דרכי אל הפסיכואנליזה Sihot – Dialogue, (2015), vol. 29 (2) pp.191-198.
  64. Noy.P. The Leader. (Hebrew) המנהיג Unpublished work, 4 chapters. 2010
    A. Content.  תוכן הפרקים
    B.  Ch. 1. The way to leadership הדרך למנהיגות
    C. Ch. 2. Groups and Organizations –  -קבוצות ואירגונים
    D. Ch.3. What are interests? מהם אינטרסים
    E. Ch.4 wisdom of the masses    חכמת ההמונים
  65. Noy, P. The narrator – Unpublished essay. 2011.
  66. Noy, P. (2010, November 14) Where do melodies come from? PsyArt – An Online journal for the psych. Study of the Arts
  67. Noy, P. (2015)  sדרכי אל הפסיכואנליזה . שיחות, כ”ט,  2:191-208 תרגום דורית נוי-שרב